What To Do When It Is Time To Upgrade Your Residential Doors

Posted on: 7 March 2023

The doors in your home provide security and protection from the weather and should be welcoming to guests arriving at your house. Older doors can become less efficient and look old from wear and tear. Replacing the doors with new ones can be an excellent upgrade to your home, and a door installation service can make the job easy. 

Picking A New Door

When you are ready to replace the doors on your home, it is essential to go and look at the doors available that will fit your needs. Most new exterior doors are made from wood but have a vinyl or aluminum casing over them to reduce the necessary maintenance.

If you buy your new doors from a door installation service, you should let them know what you are looking for and the material you prefer. A solid wood exterior door looks great on your home, but it will need painting every couple of years, so it is essential to consider that when looking at options.

If door maintenance is a big concern, a vinyl-covered door powder coated in the color you choose may be the best option. The coating will last for many years without having to do anything to it, and you can paint over it if you eventually decide to change the color.

Installing Your Door

Door installation services often provide complete installation for the doors they sell as a service for their customers. The contractor will come to your home, remove your old door, and prepare the opening for the new one. If your new door is pre-hung, the old frame will need to come out so the contractor can install the new door and door frame as a unit. 

Pre-hung doors are easier to install because they are already square, and the hardware is in place from the factory. The door installation contractor can place the door in the opening, adjust it to ensure it is plumb, then install the assembly together. 

Once the door is in, the contractor will reinstall the trim around the frame and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the door opens and closes smoothly. If you are installing new door locks and knobs, the contractor can take care of that while they are there.

Matching Doors

When replacing the front door of your home, you may want to consider a new one for the rear. You can often find doors that match or are very similar that look great together and have a door installation service put them in at the same time. 

Typically rear doors have bigger windows and fewer designs on them, but some doors have enough similarity when installed together they look and feel like a matched set and can be great for your home. Contact a door installation contractor to learn more.
