What Causes Condensation To Form On Your Windows In Winter?

Posted on: 29 January 2016

Condensation is a common problem that occurs in many homes in winter. Some homeowners who experience this problem think this means that there is a problem with their windows. Knowing the true problem and what you can do about it can help you maintain your home this winter and in the future.

What causes condensation to form on your windows in winter?

Condensation occurs because the temperature of your windows is lower than the temperature of the air in your home. When the warm, moist air inside your home touches the cold surface of the glass, the air drops below the dew point and leaves deposits of water on the surface of the window. This is the same phenomenon that causes condensation to form on glasses of iced drinks in the summer.

What should you do to prevent condensation from forming on your windows?

The best way to prevent condensation from forming on your windows is to reduce the humidity of the air in your home. There are several easy and obvious ways that this can be done. Start by using ventilation fans in rooms like the kitchen and bathroom. Have those vents inspected to ensure that they're working. In rooms without vents, use a dehumidifier. In addition, the following methods can help you reduce moisture in your home:

  • Take cooler showers, and reduce the time spent showering.
  • Limit the number of house plants in your home.
  • Keep firewood outside your home.
  • Have your attic ventilation assessed by a contractor, and make ventilation improvements if necessary.
  • Cover your food while cooking.

Will replacing the windows help with the condensation problem?

Window replacement is not usually warranted just because of condensation. Condensation is more a moisture problem than it is a problem with your windows. However, if condensation on your windows has resulted in massive wood rot in the frame and sash of your windows, replacement might be necessary. Talk to a window professional like Gallagher Bros. Inc. about the state of your windows and whether or not your windows need to be replaced. He or she can give you a quote for repair or replacement, whichever is most appropriate.

If you do decide to replace your windows, explore the option of getting windows that feature double or triple panes. Windows that feature multiple sheets of glass will have a sealed space in between panes. The insulation provided by these windows can help you avoid condensation on your windows in the future.
